The warm, sunny days around here have been followed by very cold, clear nights. This has left us with a driveway that resembles a fun house.
Last night, driving Aidan to basketball practice, I slid all the way from the barn to the first curve, which is where the sand/salt had managed to make some clear spots. The rest of the driveway had been ok, but with actual water running down the driveway during the day, the skating rink took over after the sun went down.
All is well, and no one has been injured in the up or down process, but whew! It is exciting!
Last night's huge, full moon made its appearance through the firs and hemlocks and birches in the woods behind us, eerie shadows thrown all over the snow. But it made for good whispers to the kids before they fell asleep, about the moon watching over them and making it safe for good dreams.
Today Nadia and I are coloring huge pieces of paper, and playing trains, and right now she is watching Caillou, the weird little bald four year old who is probably from Quebec. (Wow... that word looks weird without its accent agu on it). Anyway, she LOVES Caillou. We are also in underwear again... mostly because I am tired of spending money on disposables, and she's two, and it isn't like she doesn't come running to tell me she has pooped the minute she's done it. So, off to Walmart for more pairs of toddler panties! Hopefully they have those thick ones in stock this time (I have a gift card to spend there).
I am working on Valentines and planning my candy recipes for the kids' VDay parties.
All is well, and relatively quiet here, but we are looking forward to life in March. Sugaring. End of basketball season. End of afterschool for the kids. More warm days and probably more crazy snowy days.
And hopefully, less days of "Cars On Ice" in the driveway.
I thought it was only me who had an official mini panic attack when I saw your driveway. You sound so calm about it. You probably have to get in a zen state. What is the upcoming one like? My snowdrops popped out of the snowbanks blooming today. My lettuce and dill are up in the window well. My heart is singing! I love you all. Mom
Goodbye, icy driveway; hello, little red house!
Exciting times ahead!!
(Maybe we grandparents can drop by for a summer BBQ...)
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