Wednesday, November 19, 2008


FINALLY! The snow is sticking a little bit. As the fall has paraded on, brown and gray and harshly cold followed by unbelievable warmth, I have waited for the snow. Colin and I discuss snow flakes by their scientific terms, referring to what it means that we had grappel the other other day... or that the flakes today started out large and are slowly decreasing in size (its getting colder... means the snow crystals "scinter" less and can't form large flakes)... in any case, we seem to desperately miss the snow. Colin comes home from his round to Woodbury and Hardwick, Morrisville and Calais, and tells me of the snow that is actually stuck on the ground. And sometimes, Nadia and I drop the big kids off at school and drive north just to see it for ourselves.

On one such drive last week, we passed the resevoir lake north of Groton on route 2, and I saw something large and brown moving in the evergreens just off a dirt road at the top of the lake. I assumed it was a moose and pulled in, only to find a HUGE 10-point Buck staring back at us. I have never seen such a large deer. He meandered a bit, then ran across the road in into the hemlocks north of us.

But mostly, we stay at home, and I attempt to write a paper and make some sense of these homework assignments, feeling sheepish that I thought this would be easy. (I think it might be easier after the first few are done). And that I shouldn't have started with history of psychology because I am finding it hard to narrow down and focus. (All ideas... no focus; That's me!)

And today we are home, and Colin is coughing in bed with a fever, and I keep ferrying him up cups of tea, water, and coffee, telling him it is ok to take the Ibuprofen for aches and fever, and finally it snowed and stuck. But just as I wrote this sentence, the flakes have slowed to a spit, and the sun broke through the clouds... and the scene is stunning.

The woods seem to go on and on beyond the backyard, a soft, light carpet of white, with touches of white on the hemlock and spruce branches. The birches and pines that ring the yard look sugar coated for just a moment before the sun melts it all off, and it sleds like a child beyond the tips of the branches.

Nadia is here beside me, poking holes in a piece of paper that I wrote a poem on with a pen while saying, "Cee.... One.... Eeee.... *sigh* show.... E...." and then she scribbles very delicate little spirals all over my words.

Colin has risen, cranky and loud, and I can't seem to get the ebrary and ebooks to open on either computer.

So I am headed out to search out eggs... finally found where they lay... found 16 eggs yesterday! (Now for where the duck lays...).

We love you all and look forward to Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish I were there to help! Tell Colin to stay in bed and keep drinking those liquids (his cozy new sweatshirt will arrive soon).
Hang in there... the "cavalry" is (almost) on its way!
